"Just as the water reflects
the stars and the moon,
the body reflects the mind and soul"
- Rumi


Hello and nice to see you here!
My name is Theresa and I am a certified massage therapist, Reiki practitioner, Mental coach and Yoga Teacher. On my quest for a better and more fulfilled way of living I left my former career in the marketing and media industry some years ago to pursue a Yoga Teacher training in Thailand.
That was the start!
Since then I have been a nomad traveling the world to gather knowledge
and education on massage techniques, healing, yoga, meditation, mental training and aura and energy work. By now I have gathered over 1000 hours of education worldwide and had the honor to study with incredible teachers.
In my treatments I want to pass on what I have learned along the way
in order for you to develop a better understanding of yourself and an overall state of wellbeing of your body, mind and soul.
How are you doing right now? Where are you in your life at the moment?
What are the issues that are on your mind right now?
Where are you stuck right now?
What would you like to change?
Each session is individually tailored to you.
No matter if you just want to completely relax and switch off
or want to dive deeper into your inner world.
I support you to get clarity in the jungle of thoughts, to clarify conflicts with others and yourself, to solve worn-out beliefs, to reduce stress and more serenity, self-confidence
and to integrate relaxation into your life.
It is essential for me that you get to know and understand yourself better.
So that you can listen to and trust your own intuition again.
I work holistically on all levels,
- with your mind (mental training),
- your physical body (Bodywork & cranial)
- and your energy body/aura (energetics),
to achieve lasting results.
So that you can live your life self-determined and positively
create with more freedom and ease.

Koh Phangan, Thailand
Koh Phangan, Thailand
Valerie Paris
Renate Plank / Heiko Wenig
Koh Phangan Thailand
Thai massage I + II (60h)
Oil massage (30h)
Footreflexology (30h)
Reiki Level I+II
Chi Nei Tsang (35h)
Aura basic cours I - III (45h)
Aura Master I
Yoga Teacher Training (150h)
Mental Trainer
Koh Phangan, Thailand
Reiki Level I+II
Valerie Paris
Chi Nei Tsang
Renate Plank (Heiko Wenig)
Aura Grundkurs I - III
Aurameister I
Koh Phangan Thailand
Yoga Teacher Training

Dipl. Mentaltrainerin
Roos Michael
Cranio Sacrale

Cranio is a holistic form of treatment that can release physical and emotional blockages.
Through the Cranio Sacral System - the head (Cranio), spine, and sacrum - I can perceive tensions in the entire fascial tissue and specifically loosen and balance them with gentle touches.
A Cranio treatment has a calming effect on the nervous system, making it very relaxing and helping to let go of everyday problems.
It activates self-healing powers, promotes health and well-being, and provides valuable support in the prevention and treatment of health issues.
In short: A Cranio treatment removes obstacles to health!
Each session is individually tailored to your current needs.
The initial session, including a consultation, lasts 75 minutes.
Follow-up treatments are 60 minutes each.

This traditional technique is a mixture of passive Yoga and acupressure with stretching elements, joint mobilization and pressure point activation along the meridians. It is performed fully clothed. Nuad Thai helps to release stress, enhances blood flow and improves your mobility and posture.
Fun fact: in 2019 it was announced as part of the Unesco world heritage
Performed through stroking and circular movements using thumbs, hands, and elbows, this technique releases even deeply rooted tensions, promotes blood circulation, and helps you forget the everyday stress.
It can be done as a full-body massage or with a specific focus on strained areas (e.g., neck, shoulders, back, legs).
Full concentration on the feet with all their fascinating reflex points, which, like a map, depict our entire body. Through their stimulation, blockages can be released throughout the body, and our inner self-healing powers can be activated.
In many cultures, the abdomen is considered an energy center and also our second brain. In this gentle method from the tradition of Taoism, the internal organs are relieved of tension, and their performance is improved. This promotes detoxification and energy flow throughout the body while simultaneously releasing mental and emotional blockades.
A Chi Nei Tsang treatment lasts 90 minutes.

Meine energetischen Behandlungen sind auch als Fernbehandlungen möglich, da die Entfernung dabei keine Rolle spielt. Ich verbinde mich dazu, egal wo du gerade bist, mit deinem Energiefeld und arbeite darüber an deinen Themen und Fragestellungen.
Everything on this Earth (and beyond) is made up of energy. This includes our bodies, emotions, thoughts, beliefs, abilities, connections, as well as our blockages and emotional wounds. Energy work can bring these blockages to our awareness and help release them. Since each person is unique, every treatment with me is individually tailored. Depending on the issues you are currently dealing with, I draw upon a diverse repertoire of methods, including Chakra Balancing, Aura treatment, meditations, guided visualizations, and mental exercises. (Therefore, the duration of the treatment may vary accordingly).
A Tarot reading is a great way to connect with your own subconscious mind. However, my Tarot readings are not about predicting the future; rather, they offer deeper insights and clarity into personal challenges and opportunities. Whether it's about love and relationships, career and finances, personal development, or spiritual growth, a Tarot reading provides a fresh perspective on often entrenched issues and reveals solutions and answers where there were previously only question marks.
The readings take place online via Zoom and last approximately 50 minutes.

You are what you think! Our thoughts are powerful guides that often unconsciously steer our lives. Through mental training, you can regain your self-determination
and take control of the steering wheel yourself.
I will help you, among other things, to turn your weaknesses into strengths, transform limiting beliefs, resolve conflicts and issues, and formulate and successfully achieve your goals. This way, you can master your life with ease and pure positivity. You will be equipped with effective and efficient tools that will truly support you in every aspect of life, whether it's in your career, relationships, family, personal growth, and more.
Online sessions are also available.
15 min Kennenelern- und Erstgespräch (kostenfrei)
60 min - 75 €
75 min - 90 €
90 min - 100 €
You can either pic a treatment beforehand or we decide on site
which combination suits best for your current needs.
A Chi Nei Tsang treatment always takes 90 min.
Mental training and energy work sessions can also be done via phone or online.
Solltest du deinen Termin nicht wahrnehmen können, bitte ich dich, diesen min. 24h davor abzusagen.
Ich bitte um Verständnis, dass Termine die danach abgesagt werden zum vollen Preis verrechnet werden.

Every session starts with a short conversation about how you are feeling at the moment, what concerns you and where you might feel discomfort in your life, emotions or body. So I can really adapt every treatment individually to your current needs.

We continue with the energetic or bodywork treatment or dive deeper into the conversation with a mental training. All body and energy treatments take place on a traditional Thai mat which will ground and stabilize you even more.
After the treatment there’s a short closing conversation where we discuss what happened during the session, what you felt and which topics came up. If necessary I will give you Yoga, Meditation or Mental exercises which you can integrate in your daily life.
And hopefully you will float out of my studio feeling relaxed, energized, fueled with positive energy and more at ease.